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Ketamine Treatment for Suicide | Neuro Ketamine Clinics
Neuro Ketamine Clinics

Ketamine Suicidal Ideation Treatment

Ketamine Treatment Suicide

If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, we’re here to help.

Ketamine therapy has been shown to be effective in treating suicidal ideation and other mental health issues. It can reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety while increasing your sense of well-being. We offer ketamine treatments at our clinic near you that are safe, effective and affordable. 

You don’t have to live with these feelings anymore! Call us today for a free consultation on how ketamine therapy can help treat your mental health condition so you can get back to living life again!

Suicidal ideation, or thoughts about taking one's own life is a serious condition that can be treated with medical ketamine.

Ketamine Therapy has been shown to reduce suicidal thoughts within hours of administration and maintain these positive effects for up to 3 months after treatment. NKT also reduces depression symptoms significantly faster than conventional methods such as psychotherapy and medications like SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors).

Imagine being able to feel normal again. No more suicidal thoughts, no more depression or anxiety. Just a sense of calm that lets you get on with your life without the constant worry about what will happen next.

Medical ketamine is an effective treatment for suicidality that can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as psychotherapy or antidepressants if needed.

Reduce suicidal thoughts with ketamine.

Ketamine has been shown to reduce suicidal thoughts in patients with depression and anxiety disorders by up to 50%. It also works quickly, reducing suicidal thoughts within hours or days after administration. This makes it an ideal treatment option for those who cannot wait weeks or months for antidepressants to kick in before their symptoms improve. If you’re struggling with suicidality, talk with your doctor about whether ketamine could help manage your symptoms until other treatments begin working or if they are no longer needed at all!

About the suicide ideation treatment protocol

Neuro Ketamine Clinics

Ketamine Protocols

The ketamine protocol for suicide ideation varies depending on the symptoms. Things like emotional numbness, lack of motivation and concentration; suicidal thoughts/feelings without any clear plan about how to act upon them (or when); feelings like being trapped or in pain with no escape route out

How soon will I notice improvement?

Ketamine Therapy

Suicidality remission

Many patients notice a marked improvement in mood or pain levels immediately or within a day of treatment, so that they can enjoy their improved wellbeing without interruption by side-effects like anxiety and anger from previous medications.

We help people who have been struggling with their mental health for years finally find relief.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety, a debilitating condition that leaves you feeling overwhelmed. With so much information out there on how to cope and little time in day for self treatment with anxiety disorder it's difficult for people dealing this illness; but luckily treatments are available such as Ketamine infusions therapy which has shown promising results against severe cases!

Ketamine Neurology

Post Traumatic Stress

Ketamine is a powerful anti-depressant that leads the user back into reality. Just one infusion has been proven in clinical trials to decrease symptoms of PTSD within 30 minutes after administration, and it's free from side effects because this drug works quickly without requiring an extended treatment period or follow up visits so there is more time to focus on getting back to you.

Obsessive Compulsive

Scientists have found a new way to treat obsessive compulsive disorder. Ketamine Infusion Therapy offers an alternative treatment for this debilitating condition that often leaves patients feeling helpless, hopeless and suicidal with no other option than medication management or anti-anxiety drugs which can be ineffective in controlling the symptoms of OCD .

Get started with ketamine therapy for suicidal ideation

Free Assesment

Ketamine assessment is a process that can be done online or by phone. To begin the process of ketamine assessment, request an appointment on our site or feel free to call us.

Appointment time

You will meet with our compassionate medical staff for a consultation. We’ll assess your symptoms and determine if ketamine is right for you. 

Ketamine Infusions

Once you are medically approved for treatment, our ketamine medical staff will begin a protocol.

Maintenance Update

Your treatments should become LESS frequent as we continue to work together!

Contact us today

You don’t have to put up with feeling down anymore! 





2590 Windmill Ln Suite 333

Las Vegas, NV 89074

Appointment Only

Mon to Fri 8 am – 6 pm
Sat to Sun 9 am – 2 pm

Ketamine is an FDA-approved drug that has been used in hospitals for over 50 years. It’s also known as Special K, and it’s often associated with raves and parties. But ketamine can actually help people manage their mental health and pain. And now we offer this powerful medication to our patients at Neuro Ketamine Clinics!

Ketamine Information

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