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Ketamine Treatment for PTSD | Neuro Ketamine Centers
Neuro Ketamine Clinics

Ketamine treatment for PTSD

Ketamine Treatment PTSD

PTSD is a serious mental disorder that can cause intense anxiety, flashbacks, and nightmares.

It’s estimated that about 7 or 8 out of every 100 people in the United States will have PTSD at some point in their lives. For veterans who experience trauma while on duty, this number is even higher – up to 20 out of every 100 veterans are affected by it.

If you suffer from PTSD, ketamine may be able to help you manage your symptoms. Ketamine has been shown to reduce the frequency and intensity of these symptoms for many patients with severe cases of PTSD. The effects can last anywhere from weeks to months after just one treatment session! 

How ketamine therapy can solve your problem?

PTSD is a serious disorder that can be debilitating for those who suffer from it.

While treatments like therapy and antidepressants help many people, they aren’t effective for everyone with PTSD. For those whose symptoms are severe enough to interfere with their daily lives, ketamine may be the right treatment option.

Have you been diagnosed with PTSD?

You are a person who has been diagnosed with PTSD. Your symptoms are severe and you’ve tried everything to get your life back on track, but nothing has worked for you.

Imagine being able to sleep through the night without waking up in a cold sweat from nightmares. You wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

Ketamine treatment can help relieve your PTSD symptoms so that you can enjoy life again! Call today to schedule an appointment at our clinic.

Anxious Thoughts Ketamine

Overcome PTSD today!

Ketamine Treatments

If you are struggling with PTSD, ketamine can help.

 Ketamine is a drug that has been used for decades as an anesthesia during surgery. However, it has recently found a use as one that can effectively treat PTSD. It works by blocking the NMDA receptor in the brain and allowing another neurotransmitter to take over which helps reduce symptoms of PTSD such as flashbacks and nightmares.

This treatment is not just effective but also fast acting – often within hours or days after receiving it patients start to see improvement in their symptoms. The effects of this treatment last about 2 weeks on average but may vary depending on how much you receive and your individual response to the medication. There are no known side effects associated with ketamine other than those experienced when using any general anesthetic including nausea, vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision etc.. You should always speak with your doctor before starting any new medications or supplements while taking ketamine so they can monitor you closely for any adverse reactions if necessary.

Get in touch now to learn more about how ketamine could be right for treating your PTSD.

Your brain on ketamine? Sign up for our treatments!

Depression Therapy

When it comes to getting you back on your feet again, we know that ketamine is the way. In a safe environment and under professional care from our team here at Neuro Ketamine will have anyone feeling brand new often within minutes of receiving treatment!

Neuro Ketamine Clinics

Obsessive Compulsive OCD

Ketamine is an innovative treatment that can help sufferers of OCD. It's fast-acting and highly effective. The clinical trials show patients see results within hours when taking this medication as opposed to other treatments which are not always available or affordable .

Ketamine for Pain

Ketamine is a new breakthrough in the treatment of chronic pain. It’s an injectable medication that works by blocking nerve receptors to reduce the sensation of pain without causing drowsiness or nausea, which means patients can feel relief without feeling like they're high on opioids.

Ask about ketamine treatment and PTSD

You’ve been thinking about your next steps for a while now and are ready to take the first step. We’d love to get you started! 

A decision-oriented conversation with an expert who can help you. 


We offer affordable ketamine infusion therapy for anxiety disorders at our clinic in Las Vegas. Call us today and we’ll be happy to set up an appointment!

Phone number






2590 Windmill Ln Suite 333

Las Vegas, NV 89074

Working Hours
Monday - Friday:
Saturday - Sunday
8 am - 5 pm
9 am - 2 pm

Ketamine is an FDA-approved drug that has been used in hospitals for over 50 years. It’s also known as Special K, and it’s often associated with raves and parties. But ketamine can actually help people manage their mental health and pain. And now we offer this powerful medication to our patients at Neuro Ketamine Clinics!

Ketamine Information

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